Kuleana Coral Restoration

Restoration, protection and monitoring of Hawaiian coral reefs, to foster resilient coastal communities.

Help us save what sustains us.

Kuleana Coral Restoration is a group of fishermen, surfers, and ocean advocates working to restore, protect, and monitor Hawaiian coral reefs using modern science and indigenous management techniques.

Guided by the knowledge of coastal communities and our kuleana (responsibility) to the ocean, we develop scalable restoration methods unique to Hawai’i to sustain what sustains us: the reef.

Why are coral reefs important to Hawai’i?

Coral reef ecosystems underpin the coastal waters and communities of Hawai’i. From our heritage to our livelihoods to the nearshore ecosystem that surrounds us, the health of the reef is inextricably connected to the health of our people.

Healthy Hawaiian coral reef with yellow tang fish swimming around the reef

We have lost half of the world’s coral reefs.

Destructive Fishing Practices

Swells & Wave Action

Land-based Pollution

Climate Change: Coral Bleaching & Ocean Acidification

Intensifying Weather & Storm

Sedimentation & Runoff

Our Solution

  • Direct Restoration

    Our restoration strategy is scalable, cost-effective, and carried out by our team of dive professionals.

  • Led by Community

    We restore reefs based on community interests using place-based knowledge and localized techniques.

  • Workforce Training

    We support the growing need for restoration practitioners through training and collaborations.

  • Ecosystem Monitoring

    We aim to understand how restoration approaches enhance biodiversity and ecosystem function.

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